Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Lakeland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lakeland. Show all posts

Sunday 23 September 2018

At Least There Was Coffee At The End Of It...

I actually got up far too early for a Sunday...
Early breakfast↓
 The sun trying to appear...
 We tried to get some black cocca powder from all the nearby Waitrose.
None have it...
Too far to go to Worcester...
Afternoon fun out....
Did a bit of food shopping:
At Bromsgrove Aldi's for a change...
Got some reduced items from Morrisons.
I just put the stuff down waiting for my son to arrive with a basket, when a man took one of our items, saying to me:
 "You have more than enough reduced items!"
Hubby wasn't happy, as the item was for his dad. Instead, hubby got some apple turnovers for 9p. 
Next stop: Webbs....
 They didn't have what we wanted at Lakeland, so we got it from Hobbycraft for a £1 more..
Webbs are already for Christmas.....

Onwards to the next place....↓
 Enjoyed the free newspaper and coffee.
 I declined a burger and chips...
I had chicken and salad instead.
The sunshine is still here \o/
 Moved the unit into the pantry...↑
It was starting to get cold.
Pjs time!
I moan about spending £15 on a watch↑
Baking day tomorrow! 


Friday 30 December 2016

Breaking It In...

I had a good bout of the Friday Feeling...
Nice new trolley to break in...
The fog was rolling in...
Had a look around Webbs & Lakeland
Woo hoo Kenny↑ is here....
Pity it was sold,↑
Would have been a great sex toy!
Fog covered the church
Collected my orders 
Nipped into Sainsburys...
I was happily joining in on backing vocals & getting to do some moves to a particular song I like...
(the video is at the end)
Being stalked..↑..
This fog is following me...🌁👀
At least my new wire egg basket is now filled!

Thursday 7 January 2016

Getting Wet Outside And In!

Woo hoo, the weekend is nearly here..
I had a feeling I was going to get wet some how.
When my son suggested I put on my green wellies
Before I started Job 1
I put the green wellies.
Then it stopping raining....
Collected my order from Lakeland afterwards.
As soon I stepped out of the store,
The rain came down,and I got wet walking back to the car!
In the afternoon, the sun came out :)
After I had a shower,
I got to use my favourite toy of the moment.....
The Hair dryer


Monday 28 December 2015

A Bit Too Much Of Huff & Puff...

Woo hoo it's Bank Holiday Monday.
I got up 2 hours before anyone else.
Wrote more of book 6 of Sleepily Village Mysteries.
We finally went to Lakeland to pick up my Internet order.
Popped into Waitrose for my free coffee.
Loads of reduced food went into my trolley.
A couple were huffing & puffing about how much we had...
I just smiled and sipped my free coffee.
In the end I had £10 off, £27 for 40 items.
Now to tuck into that lovely reduced food....